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International Astronomical Center


Visibility of Dhul Qeadah Crescent 1442 AH

On this page:-

When to Observe Dhul Qeadah Waxing (NEW) Crescent ?

The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Thursday 10 June 2021) at 10:53 UT.

Sighting the new crescent on (Thursday 10 June 2021) and (Friday 11 June 2021) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-

Thursday 10 June 2021

Friday 11 June 2021

According to the Universal Hejric Calendar (UHC), which is based on the calculated crescent visibility, the start of this month in the Eastern Region will be on Saturday 12 June 2021 and in the Western Region will be on Friday 11 June 2021. Kindly notice that the UHC is a pre-calculated calendar, which adopts a certain criterion to start the new Hejric month. Your country/organization might adopt different criterion to start the new Hejric month. So it is highly advised to read the UHC website before giving any judgment.

- Results of seeing the crescent, and the first day of the month in different countries will be added here Inshalla as we receive the reports from ICOP's members. If you wish to be a member in ICOP, or to know more about it, kindly click here.

Dhul Qeadah Waxing (NEW) Crescent Observation Results

Thu 10 June 2021


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdellatif Fareh from كوينين City in الوادي State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdellatif Fareh said: "لم يتمكن النادي الفلكي بكوينين من رؤية هلال شهر ذي القعدة هذا الخميس 29 شوال رغم صفاء الأفق. "


1 . Time of observation: Before sunset . Not Seen: ICOP member Eng. Martin Elsaesser from Ehingen City in Bavaria State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging
Eng. Martin Elsaesser said: "I did a 1 hour drive to get away from the clouds to see the partial solar eclipse here in the south of Germany. Even though no crescent shape had formed, it was still an observation of the moon. The dent in the disk of the sun could easily be seen with the naked eye, using a proper solar filter of course.
The attached image shows the SUN with a dent at the top, where the edge of the MOON can be seen. The image was captured with a medium sized refractor telescope and proper filters.
Sadly, the actual crescent is to difficult to see this evening."


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdul-Aziz Anyang from Accra City in Greater Accra State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdul-Aziz Anyang said: "As at the time of our sunset time of 6:14pm, the age of the moon was less 8 hours old and just 0.1% growth and hence the impossibility to be seen.  15 minutes after sunset, the moon also set.
In Kumasi, one of the regional capital in Ghana, it was reported seen, although sunset time was 6:21pm and moon set time was 6:34pm.
Is it possible to see such a moon in Kumasi?"


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hossein Janghorbani from Shahreza City in Isfahan State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hossein Janghorbani said: "In the name of God
Dhul Qeadah Crescent Observation Report:
The Astronomy and Geophysics Center of Shahreza – The Crescent Association of Shahreza
Report by: Hossein Janghorbani (NajmoSepehr-Sadrolmonajjemin) – Manager of Shahreza Crescent Association and Red Crescent’s Astronomy and Geophysics Center
Date: Thursday , 06/10/2021
Location: Damzad foothills in the East of Shahreza (latitude: 32 00 N, longitude: 51 52 E, elevation: 1825m from sea level, time zone: +4.5 GMT)
Equipments: One set of 20*90 binocular - One set of 15*70 binoculars,  One compass.
Atmospheric condition: clear 
Horizon obstacles: about 2.5°
Apparent Sunset: 19:58
Results: Moon crescent was not seen by binocular.
1.Reza Janghorbani 2.Hossein Janghorbani


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hatim El Harrak from طنجة City in طنجة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hatim El Harrak said: "قمت مساء اليوم 29 شوال 1442هـ الموافق لـ 10 يونيو 2021 م
بمحاولة رصد هلال شهور ذي القعدة 1442 هـ
فلم يرى الهلال لا بالعين المجردة ولا بعدسات الكاميرا"

Saudi Arabia

1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Suhail AlRatheea from الرياض City in الرياض State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Naser Barbourah from المهدية City in المهدية State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

United Arab Emirates

1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdel Rahman Al-Bastaki from دبي City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

Fri 11 June 2021


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Younes Rakour from باتنة City in باتنة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

2 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Banouh Nouh Mefnoune from جبل عبد الدائم - بني يزجن City in ولاية غرداية State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Banouh Nouh Mefnoune said: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، اللهم صل و سلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله و صحبه، تمت رؤية هلال ذي القعدة والحمد لله في الجهة التي دلّت عليها حسابات برنامج المواقيت الدقيقة، وتمت المشاهدة مباشرة بالعين المجردة وبالقياسات اليدوية التقريبية دون الاستعانة بأي آلة، وكانت بصعوبة إذ لم تكن السماء صافية، وتخللت الأفق الغربي بعض السحب حالت دون رؤيته المبكرة، فتمت أول مشاهدة بعد ٤٥ دقيقة من الغروب الظاهري للشمس التي غابت خلف السحب (أي دقيقة واحدة بعد أحسن وقت للرصد المقدر على الساعة ٢٠:٢٣) وكان الهلال مصفرا ذا لمعان خافت جدا نظرا للحالة الجوية، مرتفعا بحوالي أصبعين ونصف عن الأفق (مع مدّ الذراع) و مبتعدا عن الزهرة بثلاثة أصابع، مشيرا بقرنيه إلى عقارب الساعة ٣ والساعة ٧، واختفى خلف السحب حوالي الساعة ٢٠:٣٠ أي بعد ٦ دقائق من أول مشاهدة. والسلام عليكم.

ندائي لهواة رصد الأهلة بالعين المجردة من بلدان الجزائر والمغرب: 
 رجاء أن يضيفوا في تقاريرهم ٣ معلومات:
١- هل استعانوا ببرنامج لتحديد موقع الهلال أم لا؟ و ما هو؟
٢- كم دقيقة بعد غروب الشمس الظاهري تمت أول رؤية للهلال بالعين المجردة؟ (وهنا نود فتح المجال لمسابقة جهوية بيننا مع مراعات اختلاف المطالع طبعا).
٣- في حال تمت الرؤية بالعين المجردة و بالآلة نرجو فقط التحديد: هل الرؤية بالعين المجردة تمت دون آلة أو بعد الاستعانة بالآلة؟ 

والشكر الجزيل للمشاركين.

3 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Messaoud Kechida from ڨمار City in وادي سوف State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Messaoud Kechida said: "بفضله الله ونعمته تم رصد الهلال من قبل أعضاء النادي الفلكي ببلدية قمار الحمد لله رغم وجود بعض السحب المتفرقة في جهة الأفق الغربي  "

4 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Rida Rizqi from الكويف City in تبسة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

5 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Ahmad Reda Mami from سطيف City in سطيف State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

6 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdellatif Fareh from كوينين City in الوادي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdellatif Fareh said: "بحمد الله تمكن النادي الفلكي بكوينين من رؤية هلال شهر ذي القعدة بكاميرا اليوم الجمعة الموافق ل 11 جوان يوليو رؤية مستفيضة بالعين المجردة. 
أهله الله علينا بالأمن و الأمان و السلامة و الإسلام ربي و ربك الله. "


1 . Time of observation: Before sunset .Photographed: ICOP member Eng. Ali Majeed Al Hajari from عيسى City in الجنوبية State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Eng. Khaled Abdelrahman from القاهرة City in القاهرة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Eng. Khaled Abdelrahman said: "لم تتم رؤية هلال شهر ذو القعدة في سماء القاهرة اليوم الموافق 11 يونيو 2021."


1 . Time of observation: Before sunset .Photographed: ICOP member Eng. Martin Elsaesser from Munich City in Bavaria State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Eng. Martin Elsaesser said: "After the nice partial solar eclipse yesterday i could do a quick observation of the young crescent before noon. The imaging system could easily show the thin crescent at an elongation of 10°. I could not try visual observation this time. I hope to observe the crescent visually after sunset, clouds permitting."

2 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Eng. Martin Elsaesser from Munich City in Bavaria State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Eng. Martin Elsaesser said: "Despite some low wisps of clouds i could also see the young crescent after sunset visually. It was difficult to see with the naked eye, but 12x50 binoculars helped to see it very clearly."


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdul-Aziz Anyang from Accra City in Greater Accra State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Abdul-Aziz Anyang said: "The Hilal Watch of Ghana wishes to inform Ghanaian Muslims that Friday Jun 11, 2021 was counted as the 1st Night of Zul Qad, 1442 H according to the guidelines in the Qur’an and Sunnah. 
Reports received from our members on Platforms 1,2 & 3 (MOON ISSUES ONLY) represented in all the regions in Ghana indicated that, the New Crescent beginning Zul Qad, 1442 H WAS NOT SEEN in the evening of Friday Jun 11, 2021 after Shawaal completed 30 days and this was due to rains across the country.


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Viktor Cseh from Debrecen City in Hajdú-Bihar State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging

2 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Dr. M. Al-Majari from Bikacs City in Tolna State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The new crescent of Dzulqodah 1442 AH was not sighted from my location at Assalaam Observatory on Friday, June 11, 2021. The west horizon was totally cloudy.

The moon was captured from several locations in Indonesia: Ternate, Manado, Madura, and Surabaya, by telescope.

The 1st of Dzulqodah 1442 in Indonesia will start on Saturday, June 12, 2021."

2 . Time of observation: Before sunset . Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. ِِِArwinjuli from Medan City in North Sumatra State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hossein Janghorbani from Shahreza City in Isfahan State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hossein Janghorbani said: "
In the name of God
Dhul Qeadah Crescent Observation Report:
The Astronomy and Geophysics Center of Shahreza – The Crescent Association of Shahreza
Report by: Hossein Janghorbani (NajmoSepehr-Sadrolmonajjemin) – Manager of Shahreza Crescent Association and Red Crescent’s Astronomy and Geophysics Center
Date: Friday , 06/11/2021
Location: Damzad foothills in the East of Shahreza (latitude: 32 00 N, longitude: 51 52 E, elevation: 1825m from sea level, time zone: +4.5 GMT)
Equipments: One set of 20*90 binocular, One set of 30*60 binocular - Two set of 15*70 binoculars, One compass.
Atmospheric condition: Hazy 
Horizon obstacles: about 2°
Apparent Sunset: 19:58
Results:Moon crescent was seen by 15*70 binoculars by Roya Ghermezi and Reza Janghorbani and Hossein Janghorbani at 20:24, for the first time.
 Other group members observed crescent by binoculars subsequently.
Moon crescent was seen by naked eye by Reza Janghorbani at 20:27 , for the first time. Other group members observed crescent by naked eye subsequently.

1.Abdol Reza Gholami 2.Mohammad Javad Nikeghbal 3.Majid Zare 4.Ahmad Rahmati 5.Meysam Salek 6.Reza Janghorbani 7.Ali Janghorbani 8.Hossein Janghorbani 9.Zohreh Karimpoor 10.Masoomeh Hafar 11.Ziba Hafar 12.Roya Ghermezi 13.Narjes Zare 14.Zahra fallahi


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mustapha Albasri from البصرة City in البصرة State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Mustapha Albasri said: "السلام عليكم
تم تحري الهلال بواسطة العين المجردة فقط، وتمت الرؤية عند الساعة 07:18pm, ولكن بصعوبة بالغة بسبب وجود اتربة خفيفة قريبة من الافق. "


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Anas Sawallha from إربد City in إربد State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Dr. Anas Sawallha said: "تم تحري الهلال بالعين المجردة و المنظار بعد غروب الشمس بقليل و التصوير كان قبل غروب الشمس."


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Muzamir Mazlan from Telok Kemang Observatory City in Negeri Sembilan State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hatim El Harrak from طنجة City in طنجة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hatim El Harrak said: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
قمت مساء اليوم برصد هلال شهر ذي القعدة 1442 هـ مساء الجمعة 30 شوال 21442 هـ الموافق لــــ 11 يونيو 2021  
وتم رؤية هلال شهر ذي القعدة 1442 هـ بالعين المجردة وتم رؤيته كذلك بعدسات الكاميرا كانون 500D ذات عدسة 70-300 mm 
وتوثيقه بالصور المرفقة أسفله "

2 . Time of observation: After sunset.Seen by others: ICOP member Dr. Hassan Talibi from بنسليمان City in بنسليمان State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Mohammad Aamir from Kathmandu City in Bagmati State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Mohammad Aamir said: "Zul Qa'dah crescent was not sighted anywhere in Nepal. In most areas of Kathmandu, it was raining almost the whole day. So, it was not possible to sight the crescent anywhere in Kathmandu. But a positive report was not received from anywhere in Nepal. "


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Zaffar Sheriff from Daressalaam City in Tanzania State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Mr. Naser Barbourah from المهدية City in المهدية State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was seen by naked eye, the crescent was seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging

United Arab Emirates

1 . Time of observation: After sunset. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdel Rahman Al-Bastaki from الإمارات City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

2 . Time of observation: Before sunset .Photographed: ICOP member Eng. Mohammad Odeh from Abu Dhabi City in Abu Dhabi State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging

3 . Time of observation: After sunset. Seen: ICOP member Dr. Belal Alshammaa from Dubai City in Dubai State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

The OFFICIAL First Day in Different Countries

Fri 11 June 2021

1 . Saudi Arabia

Sat 12 June 2021

1 . Algeria
2 . Egypt
3 . Ghana
4 . Indonesia
5 . Iran
6 . Jordan
7 . Morocco
8 . Oman
9 . Tanzania
10 . Tunisia
11 . United Arab Emirates

Sun 13 June 2021

1 . Nepal

When to Observe Shawwal Waning (OLD) Crescent ?

The geocentric conjunction (Geocentric New Moon) will occur Inshalla on (Thursday 10 June 2021) at 10:53 UT.

Sighting the OLD crescent on (Thursday 10 June 2021) and (Wedensday 9 June 2021) is shown in the below graphs using the program Accurate Times by Mohammad Odeh according to Odeh criterion. Where:-

Thursday 10 June 2021

Wedensday 9 June 2021

Shawwal Waning (OLD) Crescent Observation Results

Wed 09 June 2021


1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Messaoud Kechida from ڨمار City in وادي سوف State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Messaoud Kechida said: "بسبب وجود الغيم فوق الأفق الشرقي قبل الشروق وبقاءه بعده بمدة طويل تعذر رصد الهلال من قبل أعضاء النادي الفلكي بمدينة ڨـمار ،رغم رصده فجر اليوم السابق "


1 . Time of observation: After sunrise.Photographed: ICOP member Eng. Martin Elsaesser from Munich City in Bavaria State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging
Eng. Martin Elsaesser said: "I could only observe the old crescent after sunrise on the day before the partial solar eclipse.
Sky conditions were ok and the crescent could be seen easily with the imaging system at more than 12° elongation from the sun.
I hope to also be able to observe the partial eclipse tomorrow."


1 . Time of observation: After sunrise. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The new daytime crescent of Dzulqodah 1442 AH was not sighted from my location at Assalaam Observatory on Friday, June 11, 2021. The west horizon was totally cloudy.

The moon was captured from several locations in Indonesia: Ternate, Manado, Madura, and Surabaya, by telescope.

The 1st of Dzulqodah 1442 in Indonesia will start on Saturday, June 12, 2021."

2 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi from Surakarta City in Central Java State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was very hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not seen by CCD Imaging
Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi said: "The old crescent of Shawwal 1442 AH was not seen on Wednesday, June 09, 2021 from my location at Rowasiya Observatory, Bendo Ketitang Juwiring Klaten Central Java Indonesia.

The sky was totally cloidy."


1 . Time of observation: After sunrise.Photographed: ICOP member Dr. Anas Sawallha from إربد City in إربد State mentioned that the sky was clear, the atmospheric condition was superb, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was seen by CCD Imaging


1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Hatim El Harrak from طنجة City in طنجة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was hazy, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging
Mr. Hatim El Harrak said: "بعد فجر اليوم لم يتم رؤية هلال آخر شهر شوال 1442 هـ 
آخر هلال رصد بالمغرب هو بعد فجر الأمس والصور المرفقة بعدستي هي آخر صور لهلال آخر شهر شوال 1442 هـ "

Saudi Arabia

1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Sami Al-Harbi from المدينة المنورة City in المدينة المنورة State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not seen by naked eye, the crescent was not seen by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

United Arab Emirates

1 . Time of observation: Before sunrise. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Abdel Rahman Al-Bastaki from الإمارات City in دبي State mentioned that the sky was totally cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not sought by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

Thu 10 June 2021

United States

1 . Time of observation: After sunrise. Not Seen: ICOP member Mr. Haythem Hamdi from ‏سالم Salem City in ‏ماساتشوستس Massachusetts State mentioned that the sky was partly cloudy, the atmospheric condition was clear, the crescent was not sought by naked eye, the crescent was not sought by binocular, the crescent was not seen by telescope, the crescent was not sought by CCD Imaging

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